Thursday, 24 November 2011
Chosen Title
We decided upon this name as the word suggests that something will happen to the main character within the film that will corrupt her and steal her innocence unintentionally, and this reflects our storyline as Fiona is corrupted unknowingly, yet it doesn't give the storyline away because there are many ways a person can be misguided.
Possible 'Misguided' Titles.
Title Brainstorming

We will then discuss our ideas within the group before deciding on a final title for our short film.
Film Analysis- About a Girl
this is a short clip of the film, due to the full film being no longer available.

character analysis:
Monday, 21 November 2011
Viral Advert Idea
The ultimate goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to create viral messages that appeal to individuals with high social networking potential (SNP) and that have a high probability of being presented and spread by these individuals and their competitors in their communications with others in a short period of time.
In order to advertise our short film, a viral ad would be a good idea to get people interested into our film, make people aware of it, and look forward to watching it.
my idea was that we could put a shortened down version of the film; in this version all we see is the conversation between the party host and the geek and instead of the geek going to the party, she replies 'No thanks' and the whole plan is ruined. a note comes up saying something along the lines "things dont always go to plan" ----- after this is shown a link to the proper film is shown.
Final Viral Ad
Because of this, I instead created a single .JPEG image which displays the after effects of how a picture can look after using the templates, and on the image is the glasses, freckles and brace that people can crop out and use in Photoshop to edit onto their own photos. However, when the file is downloaded, it will redirect to a link of our film as well as downloading the image.

Background information - About a Girl
Director: Brian Percival
Writer: Julie Rutterford
Language: English
Colour: Colour
Runtime: 9 minutes
Short synopsis
As a girl relates stories about her ordinary teenage life, there is an uncomfortable sense of sadness underlying her easygoing tales, but it is not until the end that we find out the disturbing truth.
Long synopsis
About a Girl opens with a striking shot of a silhouette - against a skyline of clouds above a field - of a girl singing the Britney Spears song ' Stronger' and doing the dance routine. It cuts abruptly to a close-up of the girl talking in a strong Mancunian accent to the camera: "If Jesus were alive today - right, he'd probably be a singer ." She is walking against a backdrop of Manchester's industrial landscape, talking non-stop, mixing wry statements about stardom and singers with random quotes from her parents and descriptions of her life: her relationship with her dad, her frustrations with her mum, her desire to become a famous singer, the band she has formed with her friends. Things any 13-year-old might talk about. Her monologue is interrupted and intercut with different scenes of her with her family and her dad; her in a perfume department, sitting on a bench singing Stronger again, and on the back of a bus with her girlfriends singing 'Oops! I Did it Again' by Britney Spears and doing the routine.
As she goes on walking alongside a canal, t he girl's stories become more and more underlain by an uncomfortable feeling that the gravity of her experiences does not match her flippant retelling of her everyday life: her descriptions of her pop idols and her favourite ice cream are mixed with hints about family troubles, poverty and domestic violence. The girl is explicitly working class, and there is a desperate desire to 'show them' and to escape her circumstances when she talks about her plans to become a famous and rich singer, living in London and drinking Bacardi Breezers. In her seemingly emotionless retelling of the incident of her mum drowning their puppy in a canal after she found out that they had managed to hide it for two days from her, there is a subtle and disturbing implication that she has become wise beyond her age.
The 'underside' to her light-hearted storytelling is revealed in a shocking scene at the end of the film when, stating that she has become "good at hiding things", she throws the plastic bag she has been carrying into the canal. An underwater shot shows a newborn baby sinking slowly towards the canal bottom. The film ends with the plastic bag floating along the canal and the girl walking away.
About the film
Brian Percival chose to shoot such a gritty script for his first short film as a reaction against the glossy commercialism of the adverts he had worked on before. But this was not unproblematic, as cinematographer Geoff Boyle explains, " It was a real struggle, not lighting everything beautifully. Every shot was lit, but Brian and I found ourselves constantly reminding each other 'It's not a commercial.'" They shot on Super 16 during one week at the canal-side in Manchester.
The film stars 14-year-old newcomer Ashley Thewlis in a performance that Ewan McGregor described as "very hard-hitting and brilliant. Brilliant, brilliant." Anthony Minghella called it "a very accomplished performance... very effective", while Stephen Woolley was impressed by the film's "witty, charming script and truly shocking punch line."
The film won several awards including:
2001 BAFTA for Best Short Film;
Edinburgh Film Festival Prize for best Short Film;
City Light Award for Best Short Film;
Granada TV Short film Award;
Best Short at Raindance
Turner Classic Movie Shorts top prize.
It is included in the DVD compilation Cinema 16: British Short Films(2003).
audience reviews:-
research into films to analyse
The Driver is hired by a nervous movie manager to spy on a paranoid actor's wife. During his tailing of the wife, the Driver describes the right way to tail someone. As he follows her he begins to fear what he might learn of her
I really liked this short film, but its an action film rather than anything to do with our film.
The Driver races to locate a kidnapped victim locked in the trunk of an abandoned car somewhere on the water’s edge. Linked to her only by cell phone, the driver narrows in on her location in a desperate race against time and tide.
Again, i really enjoyed watching this short film, but its an action film, and doesn't have anything to do with our film; therefore not suitable to analyse.
About A Girl by Brian Percival (2001) (UK) (9m)
A departure from the norm, About A Girl, written by Julie Rutterford and directed by Brian Percial, won a BAFTA in 2002. We watch and listen to a fast-talking girl as she delivers a disjointed narration. We see snippets of her disfunctional life as she strides along the canal before finally seeing her reason for being there - and the secret she's been hiding. Rutterford and Percival continue to write and direct high-end drama on British television.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Practice shot, Driving.
Here is the practice shots for this:
Friday, 18 November 2011
Genre Research: Teen Drama
Mean Girls is a well known Teen film that focuses on the life of the new girl. Unknown to her, she ends up forgetting who she is and turning into someone else to please the popular people at school. To find out that they aren't really her friends, leading to ongoing fights and tricks to get back at each other. Our film focuses on how easily people change how they act and who they are to fit in with the rest of the group. Although Mean Girls has a larger focus which results in the new girl getting her own back on the popular girls in school that made her life hell, the idea that she changed to fit in is what connects this film and the genre itself to our film.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Logo Design Ideas
Research Into Similar Films
She's All That (1999)
Focuses on the life of an unattractive girl, who the high school jock has made bets with his friends that her can turn her into the prom queen. The trailer below show the basis of the film and its plot to transform the girl.
Heathers (1998)
Focuses around the life of a girl who wants to be in the in-crowd at her school, but when she meets a rebel, who teaches her that there are other ways to play social politics. Even though Heather doesn't want to be the cause of the death of the in-crowd, she finds herself involved in the the murders of most of her enemies, covered up as suicides.
Viral Advertisement Idea
One of the idea's for our viral advert is to have the audience complete a survey based around friends and drugs. The survey will include questions asking how they would react in certain situations, and how they know they can trust someone. The questionnaire will allow the audience to put themselves in the type of situation that our main character Fiona will face in our film. The audience will answer the questions, which will be simple multiple choice questions. At the end of the questionnaire the audience will add up their answers and the letter they have most in will be their result. When they know which letter they have answered most frequently, they will find the corresponding definition for the type of person they are when facing these types of situations. For some people they will be the gullible type of person that ends up the same way as our main girl, hopefully setting of a realisation alarm that they should be more careful. For many, the realisation will lead to the audience passing this advert on so others can find out what they would do.
Rough Idea of Questionnaire One
Existing Influences
Influence was also from peer pressure television advertisement Abuse in Relationship. Pressure into taking drugs and then getting forced into doing something that they don't want to do.
This is England 86' includes aspects of drugs, alcohol and rape. The Film is a big influence on our short film.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Thoughts on Audience Research Feedback
I also took note that our peers like drama and humour. I believe that our storyline is dramatic as the premise revolves around everyday life, yet something shocking happens that could possibly happen in real life and therefore we bring a dramatic element into our story, and with shots such as the girl putting her glasses on incorrectly, struggling to walk in heels and realising her Hello Kitty watch isn't 'cool' I believe that we bring a slightly humorous element into our film also.
Our peers also said that the main aspect they enjoyed about other teen dramas was that the situations and characters in them were lifelike ones and so they could relate to them. I believe that the setting of our film is easy to relate to as most 18 year olds are at college and attend parties often which may potentially bring up the chance to become involved with alcohol and drugs. The characters within our film are also representative of some of the different people you'll find in different groups at college, so I believe that our film will be pretty successful with our peers.
I believe that our peers thought our storyline was quite a good one as they seemed to believe it was believable and easy to relate to, but dramatic at the same time. They also thought that within our film we were trying to give out a clear message and warning. I think this is brilliant feedback and assures us that our storyline is strong and we can make a potentially good film from it.
Viral Advertisement Research
The image below is an example of a flow chart questionnaire from the Disney Girl Magazine.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Audience Research- Video
1. Have you ever watched a short film?
2. If yes, what did you think of it?
3. What do you think the key elements within a short film are?
4. Have you ever watched any teen dramas, e.g. Skins or Hollyoaks?
5. If yes, what do you think makes them interesting?
6. What do you think the key elements within a teen drama are?
7. If you're not a fan of the teen drama genre, what elements could be added to it to make it appeal to you?
And this was their response:
Questions made up by: Robyn Makings, Bethany Vaines, Holly Johnson, Amy Thompson
Questions asked by: Robyn Makings
Filmed by: Bethany Vaines
Edited by: Bethany Vaines
Viral Advertisement Idea
I believe this would be a good viral ad because it's similar to the already existing 'Fat Booth' and 'Geek Yourself' apps that are popular amongst teenagers because they're a bit of fun, so the idea behind our viral ad would be that people would use to have a laugh about themselves or others with their mates, and so the ad would get spread around for the comedy factor.
The template would either be a flash game that would redirect to a webpage about our film when first clicked on (so people would have to open the link before being able to use the game), or it would be a document available to download, but again it would initially redirect to the same webpage so our film is promoted.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Teen Drama Genre: How Ours Compares
"A teen drama is a dramatic television series with a major focus on teenage characters. The genre was relatively non-existent for the first 45 years of television; it came into prominence in the early 1990s. Previously, most series with a focus on teens had been sitcoms while teens in drama series were usually part of a larger ensemble that included adults and children.
Teen dramas, more often than not, have soap opera elements. The young characters must deal with the dramatic ups and downs of their friendships and romances while facing an array of "realistic" teen issues. There have also been many successful teen-based series with major themes of science fiction, fantasy, and action/adventure. Most shows have a substantial amount of comic relief.
The most popular teen dramas are set in affluent locales (e.g. Beverly Hills, 90210, The O.C., Gossip Girl), or in fictional small town settings (e.g. One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek). Most teen dramas have a cast of attractive characters who live privileged, upper-middle class lives. Shows that depict teen life in a more realistic manner tend not to do nearly as well, although there are exceptions, notable ones being the critically acclaimed, My So-Called Life and Freaks and Geeks, as well as the British teen drama Skins. The Canadian-produced Degrassi series (Degrassi Junior High, Degrassi High and Degrassi: The Next Generation), have also been successful in Canada and the United States.
Some teen dramas can be sub-categorized into genres such as Science Fiction or Comedy. Sci-Fi series such as Smallville, Roswell, and Kyle XY show teenagers who are aliens trying to fit into normal high school life."
Our storyline fits well into the teen drama genre as it has a typical soap opera element to it as the main girl in our story, Fiona, is having to deal with her own teenage problem that is not fitting in at college. Her life is then dramatised by the event in which she is invited to a popular girl's party, so giving her the hope that things are looking up, but then things hit rock bottom again as while she's there she's betrayed as she's drugged and raped and it is implied that it was planned by her so called 'friend', giving us a storyline that is realistic and relatable, but involves an event that would be very unlikely to happen, however still does happen in reality, and so our storyline sends out a serious message and warning within it.
Our storyline revolves around everyday characters that most people would be able to relate to or at least know of: a bit of an outcast, a popular, desirable person and the rest of her friends. The story is also set in an average, working class setting where the characters involved just attend a local college, again meaning that viewers would most likely be able to relate to the characters, which is important when trying to get an audience to connect with the film and the characters within it. Due to the relatable characters and their lifestyles, our storyline is similar to one that may be found in a 'Skins' episode, a Teen TV Drama that was very popular among 14 - 19 year olds, which is also our target audience.

Our short film has this sense of stereotypes and hierarchy within it as it is made perfectly clear that our main character, Fiona, is different to the group of people she goes to the party with and so is 'below' them, creating an initial struggle that our audience can become involved with and perhaps relate to and connect with.

Our short film will deviate completely from '90210' and lean more towards a 'Skins' kind of feel as we want to portray a more working class, gritty reality, rather than the glamorous lifestyles in which the characters of '90210' seem to lead. However, this great contrast in lifestyle could be mainly due to where the dramas are set as 'Skins' is British and '90210' is American, but because we're creating a British short film our main inspiration will still lay within the harsh, gritty reality that 'Skins' portrays.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
List of Cast
Robyn Makings: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sun
Holly Johnson: Mon, Tues, Fri, Sun
Beth Vaines: Mon - Fri
Amy Thompson: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat
Ryan Metcalfe: Sat - Mon
Sophie Lunn: Sat - Mon
Joe Slater: Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun
Yasmin Walsh: Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun
Jonathan Carr: Mon - Sun
Becky Wibberley: Tues, Fri, Sun after 4
Natasha Sagar: Tues, Fri, Sun
Dan: Tuesday, Fri, Sun
Vash: Tues, Fri, Sun
Jess: Tues, Fri, Sun
Jess Wood: Tuesday - Sunday
Ruth Lawrence: Tuesday - Sunday
Katrina Pugh: Tuesday - Sunday
Emily Hudson: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sun
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Audience Analysis: Questionnaire
1. Have you ever watched a short film?
2. If yes, what did you think of it?
3. What do you think the key elements within a short film are?
4. Have you ever watched any teen dramas, e.g. Skins or Hollyoaks?
5. If yes, what do you think makes them interesting?
6. What do you think the key elements within a teen drama are?
7. If you're not a fan of the teen drama genre, what elements could be added to it to make it appeal to you?
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Teen drama research
A teen drama is focussed at teenagers and young adults where the plot of the film is based on interests of teenagers such as first love, conflict with parents, rebellion and friendship whilst experiencing other teen issues. Films in this genre are often set in high schools or contain characters that are currently in high school. Dramatic themes such as alcohol/drugs, poverty, moral dilemmas and violence are usually used.
The genre wasn't created for the first 45 years of television, and hit our screens in the early 1990's with the popularity of the T.V series 90210. After television writers and producers realised how much of a success the show was, they realised the potential for this new genre. Other T.V series' such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dawson's Creak were created and became very popular as well as more recent recent series' such as Gossip Girl, Skins and One Tree Hill which have also become very successful. In the 1970's Grease was a huge hit about a relationship and there friends set in a high school, with drama's along the way such as pregnancy and crime. Other popular releases from the 90's are The Craft, Hairspray, American Pie and Dirty Dancing. More recent films such as Bring IT On, Mean Girls, Dare, John Tucker Must Die and Jennifer's Body have also created huge hype and success.
A lot of teen based films have had popular themes such as action, comedy, musicals, science fiction and fantasy.

The very popular teen drama T.V series Skins has so far released five series' which is shown on E4, winning BAFTA and NME awards. It shows the lives of a group at college friends in England. Many powerful issues have been explored such as drug abuse, mental issues, dysfunctional families and death. The characters all are different different sex's and races, coming from very different families with various problems. Each episode is usually focussed on a difference character overcoming a certain issue/ problem. Due to the explicit and shocking content of the series it is rated an 18 and played late at night. I believe this modern day series isn't the type of series that you can watch and relate to every single episode, however it gives us an insight into young adults issues and problems that they could come across in life, which sometimes may be relate-able.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
questionnaire- possible questions
1. Age?
2. Occupation?
3. Where you live?
4. Have you seen any short films?
5. If so where?
6. Comments on narrative?
7. What kind of music would you expect to be in it?
8. Would you be interested in watching it?
9. Where would you expect the film to be shown?
Possible Film Distributors

Entertainment film distributors was