Thursday 17 November 2011

Viral Advertisement Idea

Viral Advertisement, What would you do questionnaire.

One of the idea's for our viral advert is to have the audience complete a survey based around friends and drugs. The survey will include questions asking how they would react in certain situations, and how they know they can trust someone. The questionnaire will allow the audience to put themselves in the type of situation that our main character Fiona will face in our film. The audience will answer the questions, which will be simple multiple choice questions. At the end of the questionnaire the audience will add up their answers and the letter they have most in will be their result. When they know which letter they have answered most frequently, they will find the corresponding definition for the type of person they are when facing these types of situations. For some people they will be the gullible type of person that ends up the same way as our main girl, hopefully setting of a realisation alarm that they should be more careful. For many, the realisation will lead to the audience passing this advert on so others can find out what they would do.

Rough Idea of Questionnaire One

Rough Idea of Questionnaire Two

Final Idea

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