Tuesday 27 September 2011

Film Brief

Film starts with the camera cutting to different places around a girls room. The room is pink, and filled with cuddly toys, giving off a generally quite girly feel to the film. The camera then cuts to show us a teenage girl, asleep in her bed. The girl looks around 18 years old much older than first insinuated. The girl awakens from her sleep, rubbing her eyes as she stirs. The camera follows her arm as she reaches over to pick up her glasses from the bedside table. As she picks the glasses up, the camera cuts to her point of view, which is blurry as she still hasn't got her glasses on. As she continues to place her glasses onto her face the blurry vision from the camera soon becomes into focus. The camera shows the girl getting up from her bed and busying herself around her room. The girl then sits down to do some work, her desk is covered with revision guides. Once the girl has finished, she pulls her laptop towards her and turns it on. The laptop loads to a revision homepage, the girl ignoring this loads facebook. The girl receives a message and frantically replies. The camera then cuts to girl trying to figure out what to wear, there are various jump cuts of her picking out an outfit. Once we see the girl decide on her outfit, we see a shot of the girls feet as she picks out a pair of heels and places them on her feet.The camera tilts to reveal the girl looking glamorous. The girl walks out towards a car, climbing into the drivers seat and starting the engine. While driving towards the party the girl has her headphones in the camera cuts to see the girls face as she sings along to the song playing on her ipod. The camera shows her car pulling up outside a house as she comes to a halt. The camera then cuts to the opened door of the girls car as she climbs out and walks towards to house. The girl looks up as she hears the door unlock and open to reveal the girl who invited her to the party holding a glass and leaning against the door. The camera pans from the girls point of view to show the rest of the group, she doesn't recognise many people, so stays glued to the girl who invited her as she follows her into the room, and getting introduced to other people. The film cuts to the girl standing in the kitchen rested against the counter, she is looking towards the girl who invited her as she stands at the fridge, she offers her a drink, but the girl refuses, insisting that she is driving so she will stick to the pop. The girl insists, and tells her that she can stay over if she drinks and doesn't want to risk it driving home. The girl gives in and accepts a drink, she walks to pick up a glass and pours her drink into it, taking a sip. The film then jumps to the girl stood around with a group of boys and girls, who start talking about drugs, and how they can make this night go out with a bang. The girl starts to become uncomfortable, so tells the group that she is going to the toilet, leaving her glass on the table next to her. We see the girl stood in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror, she doesn't look happy, she feels like she is being pressured into doing something she will later regret. The scene then changes to see the girls glass placed on the table and a hand coming onto the screen and dropping what looks like a pill into her glass. The girl then reappears and grabs her drink off of the table, taking a sip. We see the girl finish her drink before the film pace picks up letting us see the girl letting go and dancing, doing shots with various people at the party before she eventually passes out. The camera cuts to reveal a pair of feet on a bed, that slowly reveals the legs of a body who has ripped rights, we then move further up the bed to see the young girl laid on the bed alone with her hair and make-up completely ruined, he clothes in tatters. The young girl sits up and looks around the room with a confused look on her face, before looking at her clothes, she looks forward at the mirror to see her reflection before she starts to softly cry. She turns to get off the bed noticing the bedside table that has her car keys on, she picks up the keys and notices that there is a note underneath that says 'Gr8 time last night, but i'm sure you'll keep it to yourself, won't you? X' the girl takes a gulp before bolting out of the room, ignoring the bodies left around on the floor from the party the night before and heads for the door towards her car. She climbs into her car and drives off in tears, the realisation of last nights event finally hitting her.

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