This is the title sequence for the action/historical film 30 based on a graphic novel. The title sequence very much suits the film and gives you an insight to the type of film it is,by incorporating weapons, armour and splashes of blood around the screen. Also, the sound affects of people screaming and making noises as if they are in pain sound very affective over the fast pace, lively music.

The titles for this film which are in a handwriting font look very mysteri
ous as they flicker over books and what look like diary extracts as well as various drawings/pictures, it then comes clear that the title sequence is some sort of crime/mystery due to the various pie
ces of information that are getting put together by someone. The music is seems eery which very much matches the mysterious feel of the titles, in my opinion it very much makes you want to carry on watching to reveal the mystery of the film.

Catch me if you can-
This film is basically about a man running away. The titles cleverly include different modes of transport such as airplanes and taxi's to illustrate this. The music has a fast pace and a continuos beat to it which then speeds up, which gives the affect of running out of time. The genre of this film is a crime/comedy which very much suits the titles, as the titles are cartoon this gives an indication that the film could be a comedy, and the fact there is people in suits and hats with brief cases tells us that these people could be some sort of detectives.

To kill a mockingbird-
I think that the fact the titles are black and white was a good decision as sometime the titles look quite busy with lots of things going on, which makes you focus on what is happening, rather than the colours. The music gives a sense of calmness and the bold black titles stand out well from the busy background. The main character in the film is a lawyer who I believe is the hands in the titles, the drawings of the mockingbird are by his child which is an important part in the film. The genre of the film which is a mystery/crime is apparent in the titles due to the odd various objects creating a sense of mystery.
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