Thursday 13 October 2011

Shot List

Here is the shot list that we will use to guide us as we shoot our short film. This list will be mainly stuck to, however if we find problems while filming or better ways of framing a shot, the overall list may be liable to change.

Scene One: Receiving the message
- CUs of items in a girl's room
- CU of Fiona waking up
- Cut to a MS of Fiona
- MS as Fiona reaches for her glasses on the bedside table - camera pans as she reaches
- POV shot as she brings the glasses to her face
- LS of her as she gets up out of bed to make it
- Cut to a CU of her brushing her teeth
- Cut to CU of her brushing her hair
- Cut to CU of her arranging pillows on bed
- Cut to CU of some books on a desk as she walks up to them and her hands come into view and she sits down at the desk
- Cut to LS of her sat at the desk
- Several CUs of her writing, thinking, finishing off her work
- LS as she finishes her work and puts the books into a pile to one side and picks her laptop up
- CU of laptop screen as she signs on
- ExCU of a tab as it shows a new Facebook message
- Cut to CU of message received
- Series of shot reverse shots (CUs) between Fiona and laptop screen as conversation is held
- MS of her looking pleased with herself as she closes laptop up
- LS of her getting up and dashing out of the room

Scene Two: Party preparation
- Series of CUs, MSs and LSs of Fiona trying on outfits
- Some over shoulder shots of her looking in mirror at herself
- Cut to a CU of Fiona's feet in heels, and the camera slowly tilts up revealing her new look
- Over shoulder shot of her looking at self in mirror before walking out of room
- Cut to LS of her walking down the stairs in house
- Cut to another LS of her walking down the stairs, but from behind her
- Cut to CU of her putting keys in door
- Cut to LS at other side of door as she comes out, locks the door and walks down the drive
- Camera pans and follows her as she walks down the drive to her car and gets in
- MS of her starting engine up
- LS of her driving off in car
- Cut to a MS of her as she's driving
- Cut to a CU of her putting her earphones in
- Cut to ExCU of iPod screen to display song choice
- Cut to MS as she sings to herself while driving

Scene Three: Arriving at the party
- Cut to a LS of Fiona pulling up on Alice's drive
- MS of car door as she looks hesitant while looking at the house but eventually gets out
- Camera handheld in front of Fiona as she walks up towards the door
- Cuts to a MS over shoulders shot as she knocks on the door and Alice answers
- Cut to MS of Fiona as she answers and walks into house, past camera, door shuts
- LS of Fiona and Alice walking up hall towards a room
- MS from behind girls as they walk into a room full of people
- MS of girls as they stand in the doorway
- CU of Alice as she introduces Fiona
- CU of Fiona smiling
- LS of group as they greet her
- MS of Emily as she speaks to Fiona
- Series of shot reverse shots between Emily and Fiona as they speak
- MS of Alice as she butts in
- MS shot of Fiona looking wary
- MS of Emily and Alice as Emily convinces Fiona
- MS of Fiona as she agrees
- MS of Emily and Alice showing excitement and handing Fiona a drink
- MS of Fiona taking drink and drinking it

Scene Four: The party
- Series of CUs, MSs and LSs of the girl partying, drinking and dancing with the group
- CU of a hand going into a pocket and taking a small sachet out
- MS as Kieran shows packet to Chris
- MS of Chris as he talks to Kieran
- MS of Kieran replying to him
- MS of Alice butting in
- LS from behind Fiona on her own as all group crowd around Kieran
- CU of Fiona looking panicky and starting to turn around
- Cut to MS of Alice approaching Fiona
- MS of Fiona replying
- MS of Alice and Chris as they talk to her
- CU of Fiona as she replies sternly, banging her drink down onto a table
- MS of Alice and Chris's reactions

Scene Five: The bathroom
-LS of Fiona as she walks up the stairs
- CU of Alice's face
- CU of Chris's face
- MS handheld of Fiona as she's walking up the stairs
- CU of Alice nodding towards Chris
- LS from behind Fiona as she walks into the bathroom
- MS over the shoulder shot as she looks at herself in mirror
- CU of a pill being slipped into Fiona's unattended drink
- MS over the shoulder shot as she speaks to herself in mirror
- MS in front of Fiona as she's at mirror, watches her walk out of room

Scene Six: End of party
- Cut to LS of Fiona walking back into the living room
- MS of Emily as she speaks to Fiona
- MS of Fiona as she answers
- MS of Alice as she grabs Fiona and pulls her into shot
- MS from behind the girls as they walk towards the group
- CU of Fiona's hand as she picks up her drink off the table
- CU off her finishing it
- CUs of her partying with the group
- MSs of her partying with the group
- LSs of her partying with the group
- MS of Fiona starting to look distorted
- CU of her face before closing her eyes
- MS as she faints, falls, and is caught by a pair of arms

Scene Seven: The morning after
- ExCU of Fiona's eyes as she wakes up
- MS of her laid on bed as she slowly sits up
- LS of her looking around the room confused and catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror
- CU of Fiona's face as she looks at herself sadly
- MS of Fiona getting up out of bed
- POV shot as Fiona notices note on bedside table
- CU as she picks the note up
- Low MS as Fiona reads the note
- LS as Fiona puts the note down, picks her car keys up and walks out of the room crying
- CU of door handle as she slams door behind her
- CU of note so audience can read it
- Cut to MS of Fiona walking down stairs sobbing
- LS that pans as she walks over people and out of the door
- LS as she leaves the door and walks past camera
- CU as she opens car door and looks back at house before getting in car
- LS as she drives off in car

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