Monday 17 October 2011

Film Set 1 - Location 1

Date Planned: Tuesday 6th December
Where At:
Amy's House (bedroom and stairs)

Shot list for FIlming:
Scene One: Receiving the message
- CUs of items in a girl's room
- CU of Fiona waking up
- Cut to a MS of Fiona
- MS as Fiona reaches for her glasses on the bedside table - camera pans as she reaches
- POV shot as she brings the glasses to her face
- LS of her as she gets up out of bed to make it
- Cut to a CU of her brushing her teeth
- Cut to CU of her brushing her hair
- Cut to CU of her arranging pillows on bed
- Cut to CU of some books on a desk as she walks up to them and her hands come into view and she sits down at the desk
- Cut to LS of her sat at the desk
- Several CUs of her writing, thinking, finishing off her work
- LS as she finishes her work and puts the books into a pile to one side and picks her laptop up
- CU of laptop screen as she signs on
- ExCU of a tab as it shows a new Facebook message
- Cut to CU of message received
- Series of shot reverse shots (CUs) between Fiona and laptop screen as conversation is held
- MS of her looking pleased with herself as she closes laptop up
- LS of her getting up and dashing out of the room

Scene Two: Party preparation
- Series of CUs, MSs and LSs of Fiona trying on outfits
- Some over shoulder shots of her looking in mirror at herself
- Cut to a CU of Fiona's feet in heels, and the camera slowly tilts up revealing her new look
- Over shoulder shot of her looking at self in mirror before walking out of room
- Cut to LS of her walking down the stairs in house
- Cut to another LS of her walking down the stairs, but from behind her
- Cut to CU of her putting keys in door
- Cut to LS at other side of door as she comes out, locks the door and walks down the drive
- Camera pans and follows her as she walks down the drive to her car and gets in
- MS of her starting engine up
- LS of her driving off in car
- Cut to a MS of her as she's driving
- Cut to a CU of her putting her earphones in
- Cut to ExCU of iPod screen to display song choice
- Cut to MS as she sings to herself while driving

Props for Filming
- Books
- Glasses
- Laptop
- Car
- Outfits
- Watch

Script for Filming

Cast and Crew:
Actors and Actresses
Robyn Makings as Fiona
Camera Crew
Bethany Vaines
Amy Thompson

- HD1000
- Tripod

Fiona's Party Outfit, that she finally decides to wear
Fiona's Morning Outfit, When she wakes up at around 11:00


Character Profile
Name: Fiona
Age: 18
Appearance: Typical 'geeky' style- glasses, cartoon t-shirts and jeans, rarely dresses up.
Occupation: College student
Hobbies: Going to study groups, reading and horse riding.
Character Traits: Quiet, timid girl who focuses on her college work. She does't particularly socialise with others, instead would rather stay at home on her own or go to library.
Character Purpose: Fiona plays the main character of the film and is the basis of which the events unfold around.

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