Tuesday 20 September 2011

Initial Story Idea

- The subtitles will play on screen over a series of jump cuts of a girl getting ready, e.g. showering, dressing, doing her make up etc.
- As the girl is getting ready there will be a close up of a jar with a label saying 'holiday savings' on it with that in focus and the girl visible in the background out of focus. This will signify the importance of this for throughout the rest of the story.
- When the girl has finished getting ready we see the girl hesitating before taking money out of the jar and then looking guilty as she does, and while this happens there is a voiceover of the girl explaining her situation of how she only has a few months to get together some money for a holiday with all her friends or else she can't go and how she's been applying for countless job and continuously hearing nothing back.
- As the voiceover continues the girl comes down the stairs to find yet more letters for her with more rejected job applications.
- The girl then gets her breakfast and logs onto her computer to look for more jobs to apply for when she gets a message on facebook.
- The girl then has a chat on facebook with a friend about a party that night and as the messages come through there is a voiceover of the girl's voice and her friend's voice as the voiceovers correspond with the conversation.
- There are then jump cuts of the girl getting ready for the night, e.g. doing her hair, trying on outfits, etc.
- When the girl is ready she then gets into her car and drives to the party.
- When she arrives at the house her friend comes to the door and takes her in. The house is dark and loud with voices and music. The girl then leaves her bag and coat on a table and starts partying with her friends.
- There are then jump cuts of the girl and her friends talking, drinking, dancing, etc. and then they end on the girl throwing up and passing out on a sofa while the image slowly fades out and the music distorts and also fades out.
- A shot then fades in as a phone is ringing and the camera pans from the phone to the girl as she reaches over and answers it. There is the manager of a shop on the other end of the phone offering her a job interview that day and the girl, ecstatic, accepts it.
- The girl then gathers her stuff to get ready to drive to the interview and her friends persuade her to not go as she's still drunk and shouldn't be driving, but she protests as she needs the job and goes anyway.
- As she's driving to the interview you see shots of her in the car but you also see shots of a woman walking down the road. We see an interview list in her hand and the time and name of the girl in the story, identifying this woman as the manager of the shop the girl has an interview for.
- The girl then gets distracted by her phone ringing in her bag on the passenger seat and reaches over to try and get it. As she's distracted, there's a series of shots between the girl and the shop manager until the manager steps out into the road unknowingly and the girl hits her accidentally.
- The girl gets out of her car to see the person, sees blood on her, panics and drives off.
- While the girl's at her interview it gets knocked back as the manager is late back from her lunch break. While sat in a room with a member of the shop the shop member gets a phone call about the manager having been run over, and as she hears the news, the girl looks around the room, sees a picture of the woman she's just run over with the title 'shop manager' written underneath it and you see the horror on her face as she realises who she's run over.

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